Thursday, November 27, 2008

Literary Fiction - Reader Recommendations

The book I read is The Plot Against America by Philip Roth.

Farthng by Jo Walton
Complex novel - alternative histories (fiction)
Allies did not win WWII and Charles Lindbergh is President of the U.S.

I'd recommend this title if the reader had enjoyed or selected The Plot Against America because of the historical storyline and an alternative history. The two books cover the same time period and have the same U.S. President although Farthing is set in England.

Other Fiction by Philip Roth
I'd recommend that the reader try other Roth novels if he enjoyed the writing style
and is interested in literary fiction.

I would recommend the Handmaid's Tale by M. Atwood. This was a member recommendation on LibraryThing for other reads for readers of The Plot Against America and qualifies as literary fiction if that is what my reader was interested in. I'd describe the book or show the reader a review or LibraryThing entry.

I think part of the interest in Roth's book is who became president so I would recommend a biography of Charles Lindbergh. One choice would be Lindbergh by A. Scott Berg.

If someone wanted to read a "serious" nonfiction account (nonfiction comparable to literary fiction) of what life was like and how it changed under Hitler and the Nazis, this would be one choice especially how life changed for Jewish people but also for the whole society, I would recommend:
I Will Bear Witness: A Diary of the Nazi Years, 1933-1941 (Modern Library…
by Victor Klemperer. Klemperer was in Germany during this time as the title suggests. By reading this book, the reader will see the reasons why/ the
context to the fears the Roth family in New Jersey in Plot have regarding
what will happen to them in an America that is pro-Hitler. Other NF books exist on this topic, of course, if this is not the right choice for my reader.

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